L’Agnata – De André’s Magical Place

After driving 5 km from Tempio towards Oschiri, you can turn right toward San Bachisio: after 6 km, you will reach L’Agnata, a remote place in Gallura.

Fabrizio De André, a famous Italian singer-songwriter, and his wife Dori bought it in 1975: at the time, it was an abandoned farmhouse, and for some time, they lived there without water, electricity, and gas. Later on, they decided to renovate it. They wanted to turn it into a holiday farm, a place of hospitality, to have the chance to pass something on to their children. Thus, the renovation works began, and vegetable gardens and olive trees were planted all around the building. A barn was built to house the first Limousine cows ever imported on the island, and later on, an artificial lake was created, where Fabrizio wanted to breed trout. Over time, the rooms, the kitchens, and the outbuilding were renovated too.

The notes of De André’s music always resonate throughout L’Agnata: they come from the porcelain berry covering his home. However, you can also listen to songs by all the authors he admired and loved deeply: from Bob Dylan to Georges Brassens, The Beatles, Paolo Conte, and Franco Battiato.

If you love De André, you should indulge at least once in your life and visit his beloved L’Agnata, in the heart of Gallura’s hinterland. Everything here still speaks of him, from the olive trees he planted to the ever-growing vegetable garden. This place is rich in history and passion. .