Panadas are a typical dish: two salty puff pastry discs of different diameters contain and cover the filling. Panadas probably have Spanish origins; however, Oschiri boasts the oldest recipe with different meat fillings: heifer beef, lamb, pork (alone or together), and eel are the main ingredients and vary based on the occasion.

Sardinian peretta is a cow’s cheese produced by means of a twofold process which lends it a soft and compact structure.
This characteristic pear-shaped sweet cheese has a mild and pleasant flavour. Thanks to its soft texture, this wholesome and authentic cheese is truly appreciated by children too.
Town festivals often offer roasted cheese: a slice of grilled peretta served on a slice of spianata or carasau bread.

Oschiri is the home town of the so-called ‘panada’ and ‘Sardinian peretta’.