Capo Testa stands on a granitic promontory and hosts a lighthouse of paramount importance for navigation in the area of the Strait of Bonifacio. This panoramic viewpoint – which enables visitors to spot Corsica – is connected to the mainland by way of an isthmus overlooking the Colba and Santa Reparata bays, with two charming beaches: Rena di Ponente and Rena di Levante.
Another beach is Cala Grande, also known as Valle della Luna (‘Moon Valley’), a name attributed to it by a group of hippies in the 1960s. Its suggestive and almost magical moonscape, with unusual wind-shaped rocks, evokes a wild and pristine atmosphere characterised by the scent of myrtle. Due to its complicated access, this beach is never too crowded.

Primordial and wild landscapes for an enthralling and pristine scenery.