Tempio Pausania is the so-called ‘town of stone’, a place to relax and enjoy healthy mountain air while visiting parks and springs. In the heart of Gallura, at the foot of Mount Limbara, Tempio Pausania is a small town with a population of 14,000 residents, characterised by a picturesque old town with granite buildings and floors and tree-lined boulevards, such as Fonte Nuova and Fonte Rinaggiu.
In the area which once hosted the convent of the Capuchin nuns, you can now admire the town hall and Piazza Gallura, overlooked by the eighteenth-century palace belonging to the Marquises Pes di Villamarina: it currently houses the Curia and the Museum Templense.
Non-religious buildings include Massida Palace, Sanguinetti Palace, and Ex Me Palace (1663) – which was first a prison and then a market – as well as the Teatro del Carmine theatre, the railway station with paintings by Giuseppe Biasi, and a Medieval residence attributed to Nino Visconti, Judge of Gallura and a friend of Dante’s mentioned in the Divine Comedy (Purgatory, Canto 8).

This charming town – a ‘granite temple’ –
is located in the heart of Gallura.